Parallèle is a multiplayer and 2D platformer game produced using Unity.
The goal is to avoid obstacles to cross the scenery. The capacity to change gravity is what makes this game different, allowing the players to walk upside down. They also share common health points.
Working in a team of five, we all designed the game together and I shared the programming tasks along with another member of the group.
I was primarily responsible of the gravity and health mechanics, bringing all the game's elements together, and the debugging phase. This project gave me the opportunity to learn a whole new coding language (C#) by myself, outside the classes, as well as how to use Unity.
One challenge during the programming phase was to keep the characters at the right positions in the level, because they would often stay stuck in the ground or would spawn in wrong places.
Parallèle was showcased on November 28th 2017 during Chaos Médias, an event taking place at Édouard-Montpetit's college.
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